Clinical Reference Papers on Hyperthermia.
Randomized Clinical Hyperthermia Studies 30 years of evidence makes it clear that Thermal Therapy Works.
We are currently in the process of a Clinical Studies in Malaysia, India & in South Korea. The Clinical Reference given below is from “National Library of Medicine” pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). For more details references, kindly contact us.
Proven Clinical Evidence Clinical Evidence supports the use of Hyperthermia in many Cancer Indications
Randomized clinical trials (RCT’s) have been shown significant improvement in clinical outcome when hyperthermia was added to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. In 2004 experts in clinical hyperthermia held a consensus meeting (Kadota Fund International Forum 2004) about the evidence of the published clinical results of the RCT’s. Level 1 evidence was found for bladder cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the esophagus, lymph nodes of head and neck tumors, rectum cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, malignant melanoma, glioblastoma multiform, and various superficial cancers.

Hyperthermia and reirradiation for locoregional recurrences in preirradiated breast cancers: a single institutional experience.
Datta NR, Puric E, Heüberger J, Marder D, Lomax N, Timm O, Memminger P, Bodis S. Swiss Med Wkly. 2015 Apr 23;145:w14133. doi: 10.4414/smw.2015.14133. eCollection 2015.
Hyperthermia and radiotherapy in bladder cancer.
Snider JW 3rd, Datta NR, Vujaskovic Z. Int J Hyperthermia. 2016 Jun;32(4):398-406. doi: 10.3109/02656736.2016.1150524. Epub 2016 Apr 20. PMID: 27097528 Review.
Hyperthermia and radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: a systematic review with conventional and network meta-analyses.
Datta NR, Rogers S, Klingbiel D, Gómez S, Puric E, Bodis S. Int J Hyperthermia. 2016 Nov;32(7):809-21. doi: 10.1080/02656736.2016.1195924. Epub 2016 Aug 14.
Hyperthermia with radiotherapy reduces tumour alpha/beta: Insights from trials of thermoradiotherapy vs. radiotherapy alone.
Datta NR, Bodis S. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Sep;138:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2019.05.002. Epub 2019 May 24. PMID: 31132683
Hyperthermia and radiotherapy in the management of head and neck cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
PMID: 26928474
Hyperthermia to Treat Cancer
Hyperthermia is a type of treatment in which body tissue is heated to as high as 113 °F to help damage and kill cancer cells with little or no harm to normal tissue.
Hyperthermia-Based Anti-Cancer Treatments
Hyperthermia is an adjuvant local anti-cancer treatment using temperatures exceeding the physiologically optimal level.